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GCP's SCC: how to secure multiple accounts | Padok Security

Written by Anne-Flore François | Nov 2, 2023 1:03:42 PM

The Rationale Behind Adopting a Multi-Account Security Strategy on GCP

In the fast-evolving landscape of cloud computing, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) shines as a go-to option for organizations seeking scalability, flexibility, and innovation. As businesses migrate to the cloud, the importance of a robust security approach becomes increasingly evident.

The intricacies of cloud infrastructures, combined with the ever-changing threat landscape, underscore the need for a multi-account security strategy to safeguard valuable assets and sensitive data.

The Importance of Multi-Account Security

Traditional security methods often struggle to address the complexities of today's cloud environments. A multi-account strategy on GCP allows organizations to segregate workloads, applications, and environments across distinct accounts or projects. This not only strengthens security but also streamlines resource management, ensures compliance, and supports scalability.

Challenges Tackled by a Multi-Account Security Strategy

  • Isolation of Environments: Utilizing separate accounts for development, testing, and production helps contain potential security incidents and minimize the impact of breaches.
  • Granular Access Control: Implementing the principle of least privilege becomes achievable with specific IAM roles assigned to each account, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Compliance and Governance: A multi-account setup aligns seamlessly with compliance requirements, providing flexibility to enforce policies tailored to specific regulatory standards.

The Role of Google Cloud Security Command Center (SCC) in Reinforcing Multi-Account Security

Now that we grasp the importance of a multi-account security strategy, the next question arises: How can organizations effectively implement and manage security across diverse GCP accounts? Enter the Google Cloud Security Command Center (SCC), a game-changer in the realm of cloud security.

Introduction to Google Cloud SCC

The Google Cloud SCC acts as a centralized hub for security data, offering a unified view of potential threats and vulnerabilities across an organization's GCP resources. It aggregates findings from various GCP security sources, including Cloud Security Scanner, Cloud IAM, Event Threat Detection, and more (cf below schema from Google Cloud).

Unified Security Visibility

One of the key benefits of leveraging SCC is the ability to have a consolidated view of security data. This encompasses insights into vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potential threats across the entire GCP resource hierarchy. This visibility is essential for proactive security management and swift incident response.

⚠️ Even with unified security visibility on infrastructure, the need for periodic penetration tests and audits remains crucial. These human-led assessments excel in uncovering nuanced vulnerabilities and aspects that automated tools might overlook, ensuring a more comprehensive security posture.

Customizable Security Policies

SCC empowers organizations to define and enforce custom security policies, tailored to specific business requirements. This ensures that security controls align with the unique needs of each GCP account. The flexibility to create and manage policies adds a layer of customization crucial for diverse organizational structures.

Automated Notifications and Alerts

To enhance responsiveness, SCC allows users to configure automated notifications and alerts. This ensures that security teams are promptly informed of critical findings that require attention. By automating this process, organizations can significantly reduce the time it takes to detect and respond to security incidents.

Integration Capabilities

SCC's integration capabilities extend its utility beyond being a standalone security solution. It seamlessly integrates with other security tools, incident response platforms, and third-party solutions, creating a comprehensive security ecosystem. This interoperability ensures that SCC becomes a central component of an organization's broader security infrastructure.

SCC Configuration Advices and Technical Insights

As organizations delve into securing their multi-account GCP environments with SCC, it's vital to consider configuration best practices and technical insights for optimal results.

Best Practices for SCC Configuration

  1. Fine-Tune Security Policies: Tailor SCC security policies to align with specific business needs, ensuring they effectively address the unique challenges of each GCP account.
  2. Regularly Review and Update Policies: Keep security policies up-to-date by conducting regular reviews and adapting them to evolving security threats, changes in GCP environments, and updates to compliance standards.
  3. Leverage Automation: Maximize the benefits of SCC by automating repetitive tasks, such as policy enforcement and incident response. Automation enhances efficiency and reduces the likelihood of human error.
  4. Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Define and enforce RBAC within SCC to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to specific security configurations and features.

Technical Insights for SCC Implementation with Terraform

For organizations opting to implement SCC using Terraform, consider the following technical insights:

  1. Terraform configuration into modular components to enhance maintainability and scalability.
  2. Secure Credentials: Safeguard credentials used in Terraform configurations by following best practices for credential management.
  3. Utilize Terraform Variables: Leverage Terraform variables to parameterize configurations, allowing for flexibility and ease of management across different GCP environments.
  4. Integrate SCC with CI/CD Pipelines: Incorporate SCC configurations into continuous integration and deployment pipelines to ensure that security is seamlessly integrated into the software development lifecycle.


In conclusion, a multi-account security strategy on GCP is not merely a necessity but a strategic imperative for organizations navigating the complexities of the cloud. The Google Cloud Security Command Center emerges as a linchpin in this strategy, providing the tools and capabilities needed for effective security management.

From customizable security policies to continuous monitoring and incident response integration, SCC empowers organizations to stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of cloud security. Embracing a multi-account security strategy with the support of SCC ensures that organizations protect their digital assets and position themselves for sustained success in the cloud era.