SecOps Blog

How to Implement GitHub Authentication on Kubernetes with Dex

Written by Thibault Lengagne | Jan 3, 2025 10:01:36 AM

The situation

Our client is hosted on OVH. OVH Cloud provides a managed Kubernetes cluster service, but it does not provide an out-of-the-box authentication plugin like AWS, GCP, or Azure. When a Kubernetes cluster is created, a .kubeconfig file is generated and shared among administrators.

The client uses certificate-based authentication:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: LS0tLS1...
    server: <>
current-context: kubernetes-admin@example-cluster
preferences: {}
- name: kubernetes-admin-example-cluster
    client-certificate-data: LS0tLS1...
    client-key-data: LS0tLS1...
❯ kubectl auth whoami

Our client also uses various administration tools, such as ArgoCD, Grafana, and Prometheus, each configured with standalone authentication. - Administrators currently share login credentials for each application.

The need

Due to security and regulatory concerns, we were hired to find a simple solution that links all authentication mechanisms, including the Kubernetes cluster API, to SSO, in this case, GitHub. This approach would improve security and operability by ensuring that:

  • Each user connects to every tool using their GitHub account.
  • No common password is shared or at risk of exposure.
  • Permissions are managed according to GitHub groups, allowing finer-grained access control.
  • User onboarding and offboarding become easier, simply involving the addition or removal of GitHub users from the organization and relevant teams.

The solution must be:

  • Simple to set up and maintain.
  • Based on open-source components.
  • Compatible with all end-targets.

The strategy

Our solution leverages the following facts:

  • Kubernetes can trust an OIDC provider to map usernames and groups.
  • GitHub is not fully OIDC compatible since it only provides OAuth apps.
  • ArgoCD includes the dex component, which meets our requirements:
    • It can connect to GitHub OAuth apps as a relying party.
    • It can act as an OIDC provider.
  • The kubectl plugin “oidc-login” simplifies client-side configuration.

The target architecture is as follow :

As shown:

  • Dex connects to a GitHub application.
  • Dex acts as an OIDC provider.
  • Kubernetes trusts Dex as its OIDC provider.
  • End applications also trust Dex as their OIDC provider.

The authentication flow for Kubernetes is outlined below:

Implementation details

Steps to take:

  1. Create a GitHub OAuth application.
  2. Configure Dex:
  3. Set up the GitHub connector.
    • Configure staticClients for Kubernetes.
    • Configure Kubernetes to trust Dex.
  4. Create clusterRoleBindings and clusterRoles for GitHub groups.
  5. Create the appropriate kubeconfig for administrators.
  6. Modify each application (e.g., ArgoCD, Grafana, Prometheus) to use Dex as a trusted authentication source.

Example scenario
Let's assume:

  • ArgoCD is accessible at
  • The GitHub organization is named theodo.
  • Administrators are part of the theodo-ops-team.

Creating a GitHub OAuth application

Nothing special here, simply create a Github oAuth app with the following :

The application will generate:

  • Client ID : OE36jaZUkajr1RdViSSZ
  • Client Secret : 3470825c79c1c97556e3bf5802cd4a1d

Configuring Dex

The following are example values for the ArgoCD Helm chart.

  • The connectors section enables GitHub as a connectors. Only members of the theodo organization and theodo-ops-team can authenticate.
  • The staticClients section creates an OIDC application that uses GitHub for backend authentication. This is necessary because Kubernetes doesn’t support OAuth.

## Argo Configs
  dex.config: |
      # Github Connector to ANS GitHub Oauth App
      - type: github
        id: github
        name: GitHub
          clientID: OE36jaZUkajr1RdViSSZ
          clientSecret: 3470825c79c1c97556e3bf5802cd4a1d
          useLoginAsID: true
          # Authorize this users to authenticate. Does not mean they have any rights
            - name: theodo
              - theodo-ops-team
    # For Kubernetes authentication
      - id: OE36jaZUkajr1RdViSSZ
        name: Kubernetes
        # These are kubectl oidc plugin internal URLs
        - <http://localhost:8000>
        - <http://localhost:18000>
        # Communicate this secrets to users
        secret: 8d52926efe879ee505391b75f4b046cf

Configuring Kubernetes to trust Dex


This step is highly dependent on your Kubernetes environment. On OVH, we achieved through a call to the cloud provider. We configured it using Terraform:

resource "ovh_cloud_project_kube_oidc" "my-oidc" {
  service_name = var.project_id
  kube_id      =
  client_id    = var.oidc_client_id
  issuer_url   = "<>"

  # JWT claim to use as the user name.
  oidc_username_claim  = "name"

  # Array of JWT claim to use as the user's group.
  oidc_groups_claim    = ["groups"]
  • If you run a self-hosted Kubernetes, you can also easily configure your cluster as stated in this documentation

To authenticate, Kubernetes uses the id_token from Dex as a bearer token. Configure your Kubernetes cluster with these options:

  • -oidc-issuer-url :
  • -oidc-client-id : OE36jaZUkajr1RdViSSZ
  • -oidc-username-claim : "name" (JWT claim to use as the user name)
  • -oidc-groups-claim : ["groups"] (JWT claim to use as the user's group. this will allow to map clusterRoles to Githum teams)

As of Kubernetes 1.29, Kubernetes allows also to configure authentication through a AuthenticationConfiguration object.


Creating clusterRoleBindings and clusterRoles for the Github groups


Now that Kubernetes is trusting dex as an authentication source, we need to assign RBAC privileges to theodo-ops-team team members


The simplest configuration would be :

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: oidc-admins-binding
  - kind: Group
    name: theodo:theodo-ops-team
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin

Create the appropriate kubeconfig for administrators


The only thing left to do is to configure the kubeconfig. For that we will use a tool


Install oidc-login :

kubectl krew install oidc-login

Then it can be used to create an appropriate configuration. The token created must include groups and email claims.

kubectl oidc-login setup \\
    - --oidc-issuer-url=  \\
    - --oidc-client-id=OE36jaZUkajr1RdViSSZ  \\
    - --oidc-client-secret=8d52926efe879ee505391b75f4b046cf  \\
    - --oidc-extra-scope=email,groups,profile

It will create a new user in your kube configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: LS0tLS1...
    server: <>
current-context: kubernetes-admin@example-cluster
- name: oidc
      - oidc-login
      - get-token
      - --oidc-issuer-url=
      - --oidc-client-id=OE36jaZUkajr1RdViSSZ
      - --oidc-client-secret=8d52926efe879ee505391b75f4b046cf
      - --oidc-extra-scope=email
      - --oidc-extra-scope=groups
      - --oidc-extra-scope=profile
      command: kubectl
      env: null
      interactiveMode: IfAvailable
      provideClusterInfo: true

This configuration is fully static, it can be shared among administrators. The only sensitive value is the oidc-client-secret, which is sensible, but won't be sufficient for an attacker to access the cluster.


Whener a administrator will try to connect, the plugin will :

  • Check if a token is already present in cache in ~/.kube/cache/oidc-login/
  • If not, it will open user's browser so he logs in to Github, then include the token as a Bearer token in the request

If we decode a token generated by this plugin, we can see what a Dex JWT token looks like

❯ cat ~/.kube/cache/oidc-login/029206f9ec27e68a5e5bd572bb8e14e1605b216f89d477976595bae14c56403d | jq '.id_token' | cut -d '.' -f 2 | base64 -d | jq
    "iss": "<>",
    "sub": "ChAUaGlaYXZsdExlbadhZ25lEgZnaXRodWI",
    "aud": "OE36jaZUkajr1RdViSSZ",
    "exp": 1728601368,
    "iat": 1728514968,
    "nonce": "FZxCmU-qrSZb-gddZfClwZDm0GqMA4Kd4noBmtem-KM",
    "at_hash": "xgMTpD8GXtWMnLVg9yRqww",
    "c_hash": "8tr6ErTcCH1ODobhY9UDIQ",
    "email": "",
    "email_verified": true,
    "groups": [
    "name": "ThibaultLengagne",
    "preferred_username": "ThibaultLengagne"

You can see the name and groups claim that we have specified in Kubernetes API configuration

❯ kubectl auth whoami
Username    <>
Groups      [theodo:theodo-ops-team system:authenticated]

If no clusterRoles had been defined, we would get error such as this one :

❯ kubectl get pods
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "<>" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"

Modify ArgoCD to use Dex as an authentication trusted source


We will focus on ArgoCD for this article, but most tools can be easily plugged to Dex, as it is a compliant OIDC provider. As Argo is already trusting dex (it is part of its component), you only need to map Github groups to a role

 # Argo CD RBAC policy configuration
  ## Ref: <>
    # -- Create the argocd-rbac-cm configmap with ([Argo CD RBAC policy]) definitions.
    create: true

    policy.csv: |
        g, theodo:theodo-ops-team, role:admin

    # -- OIDC scopes to examine during rbac enforcement (in addition to `sub` scope).
    # The scope value can be a string, or a list of strings.
    scopes: "[groups, email]"

The login process is now as simple as clicking on the “Github” button in ArgoCD web interface and being redirected to Github to login.


  • As many big public cloud provider provides an authentication plugin out of the box, this was a bit unusual for me to setup. The main issue during setup is the debugging part, which can be tricky, especially as I could not get OVH API Server error
  • You must expose the dex OIDC related routes to your Kubernetes API (everything under in order to allow the API server to discover public signing keys.
  • I found it odd that Kubernetes client does not provide an easy way to allow users authenticate through OIDC.
  • Several tools have native OIDC authentication method, allowing to avoid the dex intermediary. But with this solution the OIDC configuration is centralised. If you need to change IdP at some point the migration process is streamlined
  • Now that Dex is the central authentication point, one can also plug any other third party tool, such as SaaS internal tool to it.
  • Having a fallback method, in case dex or Github is down is always a good idea if you don’t want to loose access to your kubernetes cluster. The classic “break-glass-admin” pattern can always be handy.